Nov. 24-26, 2023: Cold training in Garmisch/Germany


Cold training 2023

Stalk your fears & get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Friday Nov 24- Sunday 26, 2023

Start: 2pm on Friday, End of the weekend is around 1pm on Sunday


What's the program?

Trust the unknown.


We will see what the cold and other participants provide us during the weekend, so expect some flexibility.. We will certainly:

  • Go more than once per day into the cold
  • Do breathing more consciously than in your daily life
  • Explore the beautiful nature - e.g. with a cool hike
  • Get together, talk, share our experiences and
  • Enjoy the contrasts of life with a hot tub and sauna in our chalet. 

Progress happens at the edge of your comfort!

Sounds cool?

Early bird till Oct 30

Shared double room: 595,-  (499€ + VAT)

Single occupancy: 995,- (836€ + VAT)


Normal price from Nov 1: 

Shared double room: 645,-  (542€ + VAT)

Single occupancy: 1.045,- (878€ + VAT)


I'm looking forward to meeting you there!

Daniel Kuom

Cold coach & founder of BE ocean


"Use this weekend immersion to check in with life how it is instead of how you think it is or should be - and use the unleashed resources for a fresh - and coool - restart of your life after the cold training!"

Type in your details and I will call you to talk about the training with you. Looking forward ;-)

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.